Edjet LMS Server 6.4

Edit, rearrange or delete lessons

Instructor info

Learn how to find and update lesson content or settings, how to reorder or rearrange the course outline or how to delete the lesson.

To update or delete a lesson you must be either owner or has edit permission.

Edit lesson

To edit a lesson in your course:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses.
  3. Find the course and click edit icon edit in the row.
  4. In the course outline panel click on lesson name.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. In the toolbar click save Save.

Rearrange lessons

You can organize lessons within your course using drag and drop:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses.
  3. Find the course and click edit icon edit in the row.
  4. To reorder lesson: drag the lesson by it's name and drop it to new position.
  5. To create a sub-lesson: drag lesson by it's name and drop it to new position, while hover over the lesson name that should be a new parent lesson.
    Target node should be expanded prior to drop.

The course outline is automatically updated and saved when you move lessons.

Delete lesson

When you delete the lesson:

  • No one can access the lesson anymore.
  • If the lesson has any sub-lessons, they will be deleted too.
  • Attached forum, tests and assignments are not deleted.

Important: Lesson deletion can't be undone.

To delete the lesson including any sub-lessons:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses.
  3. Find the course and click edit icon edit in the row.
  4. In the course outline panel click on lesson name.
  5. In the toolbar click delete icon delete in the row.
  6. Confirm the lesson deletion by clicking OK.

You can also consider to deactivate the lesson instead of delete it.

Create courses & tests