Edjet LMS Cloud

Create a YouTube Live Stream

Instructor info

Adding a YouTube lesson to your course allows you to add a LIVE video streamed on YouTube.

To stream your videos on YouTube, a Google account is required.

This lesson type is suitable:

  • when you want to live stream a "webinar", live lecture or live event to engage learners,
  • when you want to arrange an online meeting to support your learners.

Steps to add YouTube live stream:

  1. Sign in to your Google Account.
  2. Navigate to YouTube Studio and create YouTube live stream according to your preferred method of streaming.
  3. To get a video address use share feature to copy streaming link .
  4. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  5. In the menu click school Courses.
  6. Find the course and click edit icon edit in the row.
  7. In the toolbar click add New lesson.
  8. Click YouTube.
  9. Enter the Lesson name.
  10. Enter YouTube video address (URL).
  11. In the toolbar click save Save.

When you go live on YouTube, the video will go live also in the Edjet LMS automatically.

You can preview the live stream lesson in user portal.

Extending the lesson content

Lesson can be extended by adding an optional content:

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