Edjet LMS Cloud

Create a test

Instructor info

Learn how to create a test or quiz and add questions to your test, how to change order of questions or how to remove the questions from the test.

If you haven't created your questions yet, you will be able to create them during the process of creating the test. But you can also create the questions in advance and add them later.

A one question can be added into multiple tests.

To create a new test:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses and then Tests.
  3. In the toolbar click add New item.
  4. Fill in the Name of the test.
  5. Click tab Questions.
  6. Click add Add.
  7. Find the questions, select them using checkbox and click check_circle Add.
    A question can be added into the test only once.
  8. If you need to create a new question, click add New item in the toolbar.
  9. You can click tab Description and enter the Description.
  10. To save the test in the toolbar click save Save.

Learn how to publish your test to the learners.

Change order of questions

You can control, how the questions are ordered when learner run the test.

If you enable Shuffle questions option, the order doesn't apply and will be random.

Steps to re-order the questions:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses and then Tests.
  3. Find the test and click edit icon edit in the row.
  4. Click tab Questions
  5. Use move icon drag_handle to drag question up or down.
    Questions in test are displayed in top to bottom order.
  6. In the toolbar click save Save.

Remove questions from the test

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses and then Tests.
  3. Find the test and click edit icon edit in the row.
  4. Select questions you want to remove using checkbox on Questions tab.
  5. Click Remove.
  6. In the toolbar click save Save.

Removing a question from the test does not delete the question from the question database or from other tests.

Adjust test settings

Based on used questions and other settings like Number of used questions, it might be required to adjust a few settings:

  • Time limit – if the test has more questions, the people should have more time to complete the test
  • Points required to passing test – more question usually means more total points that can be acquired
  • Difficulty – however this is just an informative flag, you can adjust it based on questions used
Create courses & tests