Edjet LMS Cloud

Import users from CSV

Instructor info

If you need to create many user accounts at once, or to update users in bulk, you can create a CSV file and import it into the Edjet LMS.

You can import as many users as you need, but total number of active users must match your plan or license. Learn more about users, storage and emailing limits.

Steps to import users from your CSV file:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click people Users.
  3. In the toolbar click archive Import.
  4. If the file is placed on your device, click Browse files.
  5. If the file is already uploaded in the Media Library, click Choose from media library and select the file there.
  6. You can change the import mode.
  7. You can change the field delimiter setting.
  8. Click Import in the toolbar to begin import.
  9. Click OK under the status list or Cancel in the toolbar to return to the Users page.

The import log is displayed. Please check the import status for any errors.

Import mode

There are 3 import modes which you can choose:

Mode Description
Create and update Create new items in LMS and overwrite items in LMS.
This is a default method
Create Only create new items in LMS.
Update Only overwrite items in LMS.

Items are identified by the column "login", if present. So, if you import a user that already exists in LMS, no duplicate account is created. Instead, the existing account is updated.

Field delimiter

Filed delimiter is a character used to separate individual fields (columns) in the CSV file. Default is the comma, but you can change the character used.


  • Comma (,) // default value
  • Semicolon (;)
  • Colon (:)
  • Tab
  • Space
  • Other // user defined character

CSV file requirements

  • Character set: Unicode (UTF-8)
  • Field delimiter: by default comma (,), but can be changed on import
  • String delimiter: " (double quotation marks)
  • Line endings: LF

It's necessary to use a first row in CSV file to pair columns with corresponding fields in LMS database.


All common user data can be imported. The specification of the columns include:

Column Description Datatype Required
prefix Degree varchar(32) no
name First name varchar(32) no
middlename Middle name varchar(32) no
surname Last name varchar(64) yes
email Email varchar(255) no
www Web varchar(1024) no
job_title Job title varchar(64) no
uid Unique identifier
Custom item identification (unique). Only numbers 0-9, small caps a-z, non-diacritical characters and dash.
varchar(256) no
code Code
Custom item identification (not unique).
varchar(256) no
role_id Role
This column is used to set user role.
Valid values are:
1 – Superadmin
21 – Administrator
4 – Instructor
3 – Learner
If the value is omitted, role ID 3 (learner) is assigned.

You can only import users with role that you have permission to create.

integer no
login Login (Username)
This column is used to identify items for update. If the column is missing or has empty value, the LMS will generate the "login" value from the "surname". This column cannot be updated via CSV import.
varchar(255) no
password Password
If the password is empty, the safe password is generated. User must reset the password before logging in for the first time.
varchar(64) no
lang Localization
Language code that sets the initial language of the application for the user:
en-US – English
cs-CZ – Czech
pl-PL – Polish
sk-SK – Slovak
de-DE – German
ru-RU – Russian
Users can change their language afterwards.
varchar(64) no
tel1 Phone 1 varchar(64) no
tel2 Phone 2 varchar(64) no
tel3 Fax varchar(64) no
content Notes
Internal comment on user
text no
group Name of user groups
Add users to a group or multiple groups. If the group does not exist, a new one is created. Make sure the name is unique within the CSV and the LMS database.
varchar(256) no
address_fullname Address: Full name
Full name of the person associated with the address.
text no
address_line_1 Address: Line 1
Street address.
text no
address_line_2 Address: Line 2
Company name, apartment, suite, building, floor, etc.
text no
address_city Address: City or village text no
address_region Address: Region text no
address_zip Address: Postal code
text no
address_country Address: Country
Must match value in dropdown "Countries" in UI.
text no

For more information about datatypes see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype.html


Basic example how to import your users:

"Doe";"John";"+420 123 456 789";"john.doe@example.com";"Krizikova 70";"Brno"
"Reese";"Kyle";"+1 202-918-2132";"soldier68@example.com";"1878 Martha Ellen Drive";"Reno"
"Jackson";"Peter";"020 8566 6566";"lotr@example.com";"211 Ruislip Rd";"Greenford"

If you plan to update the data, it is recommended to add the "login" column and generate the values in your spread sheet before first import. If you need to do it later, you have to export the data including "login" and then do the update.

Example with roles:


Example of the import to one or multiple groups:

"Doe";"John";"Group A"
"Reese";"Kyle";"Group A, Group B, Group C"

The order of the columns doesn't matter.

Download sample Excel file

Download the sample XLSx file (Excel 2003-365 format) to fill with your data.

How to save CSV files to UTF-8 format

The steps might differ with Excel, Calc or Numbers version.

Microsoft Excel

In general the steps are as follow:

  1. Click File and then Save as.
  2. Select CSV UTF-8 from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose location and enter file name.
  4. Click Save

Visit the page Import or export text (.txt or .csv) files, section "Export data to a text file by saving it" on the Microsoft Support website.

Libre Office Calc

In general the steps are as follow:

  1. Click File and then Save as.
  2. Select Text CSV from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click Edit filter settings select the options that you want.
  4. Choose location and enter file name.
  5. Click Save

Visit the page Opening and Saving Text CSV Files, section "To Save a Sheet as a Text CSV File" on the LibreOffice help website.

MacOS Numbers

  1. Click File, then Export To and then CSV.
  2. Click Advanced Options to select the options that you want.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Choose location and enter file name.
  5. Click OK

Visit the page Export to other file formats in Numbers on Mac on the Apple Support website.

Troubleshooting CSV import

Error/Warning "Insufficient data supplied.“

  • Check the file extension.
  • Use free text editor (Notepad, PSPad, VS Code) to open the CSV file and check character set and line endings.
  • Check for any unwanted white spaces in columns names - the LMS doesn't trim the data in any way.
  • Make sure your data do not contain delimiter character (") inside any string.
  • Check the CSV file to properly match the header columns to data.
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