Edjet LMS Server 6.4

Create a new page on your portal

Admin info

This feature require initial setup in the Cloud. Please contact Edjet Support.

To create a new public page within your website.

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click language Learner portal and then click insert_drive_file Pages.
  3. In the toolbar click add New item.
  4. Click Page.
  5. Enter page Name.
  6. If this page should be a home page, keep the Link empty.
    Find out more about setting a page as a home page.
  7. Click Generate icon next to the Link, or enter the link value manually.
    Only lower case, numbers, dash and underscore (a-z, 0-9, -, _) characters are allowed.
  8. You can also enter the Lead text.
    Lead text will be rendered, if your page use the Perex widget.
  9. Enter the Content.
    Learn how to use visual editor to create and edit responsive content.
  10. In the toolbar click save Save.


  • By default, new page is not publicly accessible.
    Learn how to manage page privacy.
  • New page is added to the sub-level of initially selected page.
  • You can navigate existing pages using pages panel on the left.

Manage page settings


  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click language Learner portal and then click insert_drive_file Pages.
  3. Find the page and click it's name.
  4. Click Properties tab.
  5. Change page settings to your wish.
  6. In the toolbar click save Save.
Advanced portal customizations