Edjet LMS Server 6.4

Add course categories filter

Superadmin info

The course category filter is not enabled by default in the Edjet LMS portal.

Steps to add the course categories filter:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click language Learner portal and then click insert_drive_file Pages.
  3. In the pages panel, click on page "Courses".
  4. In the toolbar click tune Properties.
  5. Click on the Design tab.
  6. Find Zone: wpz_MainZone and click on the edit edit icon.
  7. Click add Add.
  8. Select the [COURSES] webpart and click OK.
  9. Enter the code in the Properties field:
    'tpl' => 'webparts/courses/courses_categories_dropdown.tpl.php', 'type' => iWebPart::LIST_TYPE_CATEGORIES, 'num_rows' => 0
  10. Move the [COURSES] webpart to the top using the move drag_handle icon all the way up.
  11. Click Save and Close in the Webparts window.
  12. Click Save and Close in the Properties window.
  13. Click Save on the Courses page.

Check that the settings are correct by switching to the Learner portal by clicking View portal.

To remove the course categories, repeat the procedure, removing the [COURSES] webpart with the "courses_categories_dropdown.tpl.php" property.

Advanced portal customizations