Edjet LMS Server 6.4

Add a logo widget

Admin info

Logo widget render image that is clickable and links to homepage.

If you just want to change logo on the Learner portal, please follow this article.

To add a logo widget to the master page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click language Learner portal and then click file_copy Master pages.
  3. Find the master page and click edit icon edit in the row.
  4. In Design section, click Edit next to the wpzNew_Head zone.
  5. Click add Add.
  6. Choose IncludeTemplate and click OK.
  7. Enter following code into the Properties:
    'tpl' => 'includes/logo.tpl.php'
  8. In the toolbar click save Save and close.
  9. In the toolbar click save Save.

Learn how to upload a portal logo.

Advanced portal customizations