Edjet LMS Cloud

View pre-built reports

Instructor info ENHANCED

Reporting enables you to view data for your courses and learners. It organizes performance data from your training and makes it useful to you. Learn how to find and run pre-built reports.

Available reports:

  • Courses reports (5)
  • Groups reports (1)
  • Users reports (3)
  • Certificates report (1)
  • Test results reports (3)

All reports show data according to your permissions.

View course reports

To view various course learning progress from Courses page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses.
  3. Find the courses and select it using checkbox.
    Note: You can select multiple courses.
  4. In the toolbar click insert_chart View report.
  5. Use dropdown Template to switch the report.

Available report templates:

  • Courses – Certification status: see below.
  • Courses – Enrolled users: Report include only course participants.
  • Courses – All users: Report include data of the all users.
  • Courses – All users, segmented: Report include data of the all users and show them segmented (Certified users, Users which completed the course, Users having any test results, Subscribed users, Users not subscribed yet).

Course certification status report

This report show certification status of the individual users for selected courses using the table representation.

Rows represent the users like this:

  • Show all users enrolled to the course and also users having currently access (have view or edit permission level) to the course. Detailed conditions are:
    1. User is not enrolled and don't have have access to the course = not included in report
    2. User is not enrolled but have access to the course = included in report
    3. User is enrolled and have access to the course = included in report
    4. User is enrolled and don't have have access to the course = included in report
  • Users can be identified by user's Full name and Code.
  • Users are sorted by the user surname first letter, A->Z (descending).

Columns represents the data like this:

  • Columns 1 and 2 show user data (Full name and Code).
  • Other columns are dynamically generated based on courses selected for the reporting.
  • Courses ale sorted by the course name first letter, A->Z (from left to right).

The certification status is shown for every combination of user and course listed using certification status badge.

Certification status badge

The certification status is either:

  • Valid - user certification is valid, when there is at least one valid certificate.
  • Invalid - user certification is invalid, when there is no certificate at all, or all the certificates are invalid (expired).

Certificate is valid, when current date and time matches the Valid from and Valid to interval. Certificate with empty Valid to date is considered valid for an indefinite period of time.

You can find more information about the certification status, when you hover the mouse overt he status badge:

  • Date of expiration
  • Date of expiration is within next 30 days
  • There is no date of expiration
  • There is no certificate
  • Certificate/s are expired

If there is a certificate, you can click on the certification status badge to view the certificate. The certificate with most recent Valid to date is linked.

View overall course progress report

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses.
  3. Find the course and check the progress bar status in the Progress column.
    If the column is not available, you can enable it.

The value in percent is an average course progress calculated from progress of all course participants.

View group reports

To view the group reports from Groups page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click people Users and then click Groups.
  3. Find one or more groups and select it using checkbox.
  4. In the toolbar click insert_chart View report.

Available report templates:

  • Certification status: see below.

Group certification status reports

This report show course certification status of the users in selected group (or multiple groups).

Rows represent the users like this:

  • Show all users that are members of all groups selected in data grid.
  • Users can be identified by user's Full name and Code.
  • Users are sorted by the user surname first letter, A->Z (descending).
  • If multiple groups were selected to be included in the report, the report is repeated for every group.

Columns represents the data like this:

  • Columns 1 and 2 show user information (Full name and Code).
  • Other columns are dynamically generated. Listed are all courses where users are subscribed and also are currently having access (have view or edit permission level). Detailed conditions are:
    1. User is not enrolled and don't have have access to the course = not included in report
    2. User is not enrolled but have access to the course = included in report
    3. User is enrolled and have access to the course = included in report
    4. User is enrolled and don't have have access to the course = included in report
  • Courses ale sorted by the course name first letter, A->Z (from left to right).

The certification status is shown for every combination of user and course listed using certification status badge.

View user overview report

This report show various information about single user, including learning status and progress.

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click people Users.
  3. First, you need to enable horizontal or vertical (recommended) panel. In the toolbar click desktop_windows Appearance and under Vertical panel select Item view. Click OK.
  4. Find the user and select it using click on the row. The overview report is displayed in the panel.

View user reports

To view the user reports from Users page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click people Users.
  3. Find the user and select it using checkbox.
  4. In the toolbar click insert_chart View report.

Available report templates:

  • Certification status: see below
  • Course progress: see below

Users certification status report

This report show course certification status of the selected users.

Rows represent the users like this:

  • Listed are all users selected in data grid.
  • Users can be identified by user's Full name and Code.
  • Users are sorted by the user surname first letter, A->Z (descending).

Columns represents the data like this:

  • Columns 1 and 2 show user information (Full name and Code).
  • Other columns are dynamically generated. Listed are all courses where users are subscribed and also are currently having access (have view or edit permission level). Detailed conditions are:
    1. User is not enrolled and don't have have access to the course = not included in report
    2. User is not enrolled but have access to the course = included in report
    3. User is enrolled and have access to the course = included in report
    4. User is enrolled and don't have have access to the course = included in report
  • Courses ale sorted by the course name first letter, A->Z (from left to right).

The certification status is shown for every combination of user and course listed using certification status badge.

Users course progress report

This report show course progress for each user and course in the same way as the users certification status report. Instead of certification status badge a course progress in % is shown.

View certificates report

You can use page Certificates to get reporting data on certificates of completion of your courses.

Find and run reports from Reports page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click insert_chart Reports.
  3. Click report Certificates.

View test and test results report

To view the test results page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click insert_chart Reports.
  3. Click report Test results.

To view the test results report from Tests page:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click school Courses and then Tests.
  3. Find the test and select it using checkbox.
  4. In the toolbar click insert_chart View report.
  5. Click Template to switch the report.

Available report templates:

  • Test results: In this report you can view all test results.
  • Test results – Total period: test results report using all historical data.
  • Test results – Last month: run test results report for limited time period.
  • Test results – Last 30 days: run test results report for limited time period.
  • Survey – Table: show survey report in table style
  • Survey – Pie chart : show survey report in pie chart style
  • Survey – Line chart: show survey report in line chart style
  • Survey – Vertical column chart: show survey report in vertical column chart style
  • Survey – Column chart: show survey report in column chart style.
Reports and analytics