Edjet LMS Server 6.4

Data migration

If you operate Edjet LMS Server which version is unsupported to do the automatic upgrade, you can migrate the data using ad-hoc procedures.

Migrate Users and Groups (SQL)

Migrate User and User groups stored in SQL database using SQL scripts.

Supported version/s - old installation: 3.9.5, new installation: 6.4.23

Do the backup before you start.

Use any capable SQL manager - you can download one here: https://dbeaver.io

To ensure consistent database state, especially in references using "user_id", avoid any usage of the system between LMS upgrade/migration and this steps.


In the old version

  1. Export table "users" into SQL
    • exclude columns "registered", "vat_registered", "user_lock"
    • exclude rows of the default users (superadmin, admin, instructor, student), which are present in the target database (check by ID)
  2. Export table "groups" into SQL
    • exclude columns "user_lock"
  3. Export table "groups_users" into SQL

In the new version

  1. Run exported SQL of the table "users"
  2. Run exported SQL of the table "groups"
  3. Run exported SQL of the table "groups_users" (run last)

Troubleshooting user and group migration

Problem: Some users experience the media library not rendering any folders:

Solution: Some user's folders (records named "user_ID", where ID is ID of the user) in "media_library" table are having user_id = null. Make sure to add the ID, or repeat the process of upgrade/migration with a consistent database state.

Migrate media library uploads

Copy LMS folder "repository" containing all user files - Media Library uploads from old LMS installation to new.

Supported version/s - old installation: 3.9.5 or above, new installation: 3.9.5 or above

Do the backup before you start.


  1. In the old installation, copy folder "repository" from
  2. In the new installation, copy folder "repository" to
    Overwrite the folder
Installation and upgrade