Edjet LMS Server 6.3

Manage a question database

You can organize your question database using folders.

Create folder

To create a new folder:

  1. Click Questions in left menu.
  2. If there are some folders already, navigate to folder where you want to create your new folder.
  3. Click New folder in the toolbar.
  4. Enter folder name into New folder dialog.
  5. Click OK.

Rename folder

To rename existing folder:

  1. Click Questions in left menu.
  2. Find a folder and select it using checkbox.
  3. Click Rename.
  4. Enter name using složky Folder dialog.
  5. Click OK.

Move questions or folders

If you move the folder/s, all the sub-folders and questions within the folder will be moved too.

To move question/s or folder/s around:

  1. Click Questions in left menu.
  2. Find a question/s or folder/s and select it using checkbox/es.
  3. Click Move in the toolbar.
  4. Select target folder using Move dialog.
  5. Click OK.

Edit question

To edit your question:

  1. Click Questions in left menu.
  2. Find the question or folder and click Edit icon.
  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

Delete questions or folders

Important: If you delete the folder/s, all the sub-folders and questions within the folder will be deleted too. Deletion cannot be undone!

To delete single question or folder:

  1. Click Questions in left menu (under Tests).
  2. Find the question or folder and click Delete icon.
  3. To confirm deletion click OK in the dialog.

To delete many questions and folders:

  1. Find a questions and folders and select it using checkbox..
  2. Click Delete in the toolbar.
  3. Confirm deletion by clicking OK in the dialog.

Tip: You can also delete a question from question page when editing it.

Disable folder view

You can disable folders by clicking Turn off, the questions will be listed without folders.

To re-enable folders click link Turn on.

Troubleshooting folders

  • Folder not created or renamed – check name of the folder to match allowed chars only: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ , - and .
  • Folder not created or moved – check permissions on folder you want to move and on target folder.