Edjet LMS Server 6.3

Create a question

You can build a database of questions that can be used in any test or course. Edjet LMS empower you to choose from 10 types of questions.

Create a single-choice question

To create a question where learner choose one option:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Single choice.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and enter one or more options.
  5. Mark correct answer by click a Correct switch.
  6. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  7. To add new answer, click Add answer.
  8. To remove answer click Remove.
  9. Click Save to create a question.

Create a multiple-choice question

To create a question where learner choose one or more options:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Multiple choice.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and enter one or more options.
  5. Mark one or more answer as correct by click a Correct checkbox/es.
  6. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  7. To add new answer, click Add answer.
  8. To remove answer click Remove (ikona kříže).
  9. Click Save to create a question.

Create a true/false question

To create a question where learner choose between true or false option:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click True / False.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and mark correct answer by click a Correct switch.
  5. Pro určení správné odpovědi ve sloupci Správně na řádku vedle správné odpovědi klikněte na přepínač.
  6. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  7. Click Save to create a question.

Create an exact answer question

To create a question where learner enter exactly what you type:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Exact answer.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and enter Correct answer..
    Note: Question is correct when learner enter the exact string including white spaces and case.
  5. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  6. Click Save to create a question.

Create a free answer question

To create a question where learner enter the answer with his own words:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Free answer.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and enter Correct answer.
  5. Click Save to create a question.

Note: This type of question cannot be evaluated automatically.

Create an image hotspot question

To create a question where learner mark the area on the image:

  1. Click Questions in the menu.
  2. Click New question and click Image hotspot.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and click Add.
  5. If your image is uploaded in the Media library, browse and find the image.
  6. If your image is on your local device, click Upload, click Browse files, find the image, select it and click Open.
  7. Select the image using checkbox.
  8. Click Load items.
  9. Click several times into the image to create a polygonal area to mark a correct spot.
  10. You can undo last click by using Crtl + click (shortcut (or click Step back).
  11. To reset the hotspot click Reset area.
  12. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  13. Click Save to create a question.

Create an audio question

To create a question where learner listen to an audio:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Audio.
  3. Enter the Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and click Load file.
  5. If your audio file is uploaded in the Media library, browse and find the file.
  6. If your audio file is on your local device, click Upload, click Browse files, find the audio file, select it and click Open.
  7. Select the image using checkbox.
  8. Click Load items.
  9. Click Save to create a question.

Note: This type of question cannot be evaluated automatically.

Create a fill in the blank question

To create a question where learner enter missing word or words into the blank space in the text:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Fill in the blank.
  3. Enter your Question.
  4. To mark words or phrases to fill, replace the text in the question word or words with the 5 or more underscores.
    Example question: My dog _____ fast! The frog can _____. The duck _____ swim.
  5. Click tab Answers and enter the words in the corresponding order.
    Example: first answer: “is”, second: “jump”, third: “can”.
  6. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  7. To add more answers click Add answer below the Answers stack.
  8. To remove answer click Remove.
  9. Click Save to create a question.

Note: Answer is evaluated as correct when learner enter the exact string including white spaces and case.

Tip: You can create longer input by using more underscores.

Create a matching question

To create a question where learner match the options in two lists together:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Matching.
  3. Enter your Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and enter matching phrase/s – (Left side and Right side) for each option..
  5. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  6. To add more answers click Add answer below the Answers stack.
  7. To remove answer click Remove.
  8. Click Save to create a question.

Order of phrases in list are randomized when question is rendered to the learner.

Create a translate / synonym question

To create a question where learner reveal phrases in a list:

  1. Click Questions in the left menu.
  2. Click New question and click Matching.
  3. Enter your Question.
  4. Click tab Answers and enter matching phrase/s – (Left side and Right side) – for each answer (option).
  5. Enter the Points – if correct value of correct answer.
  6. To add more answers click Add answer below the Answers stack.
  7. To remove answer click Remove.
  8. Click Save to create a question.

Note: This type of question is not evaluated automatically.

Left side of the list is revealed when the question is rendered. Right side is revealed after learner click.

Options to penalize the learner

You can set a question to use negative points to be subtracted from test score:

  • To penalize Learner for submitting incorrect answer enter points using Points – if wrong.
  • To penalize Learner for not submitting any answer click tab Advanced enter Points earned when student did not marked any answer and click Apply checkbox.