Edjet LMS Server 6.3

Create a YouTube Live Stream lesson (webinar)

To embed YouTube live stream to Edjet LMS lesson:

  1. Sign in to your Google Account.
  2. Navigate to YouTube Studio.
  3. Create live stream – follow instructions for your preferred method of streaming.
  4. Get a video link using Share live stream or Embed the URL.
  5. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  6. Find existing course or create a new one.
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Click New lesson in the toolbar.
  9. Click YouTube.
  10. Enter the Name of the lesson/s.
  11. Paste the video link to the YouTube video address (URL) input.
  12. You can enter lesson name, optional content and other lesson properties.
  13. Click Save in the toolbar to create the lesson.

Tip: You can preview the live stream lesson in Learner portal.

When you go live on YouTube, the video will go live also in the Edjet LMS automatically.
