Edjet LMS Cloud

Manage test results

Instructor info

Every time any learner starts the test from the User portal, a record is created. As the learner progress in the test and submit the answers, the record is updated. When the test is finished, this record store the final result.

Test result contain a lot of data:

  • Questions and learner's answers
  • Score (on question level) and total score
  • Date, attempt number, status, duration etc.

Review and score correction

By default, a test is set to be automatically evaluated and there is no need of doing anything from your part as Edjet LMS automate the testing for you.

Using Test results page, you can:

  • Evaluate a test result, if the test was set to manual evaluation mode.
  • Evaluate a questions that cannot be automatically evaluated, like Essay.
  • Change result or make any score corrections to any submitted test (even those set to automatic evaluation).

To manually evaluate the test or correct a test score:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click insert_chart Reports.
  3. Click Test results.
  4. Find the result and click edit icon edit in the row.
  5. To change points on question level click Correction and enter new value.
  6. To change total points for entire test use Total point correction input.
    These points are added to or subtracted (if negative numbers are used) from the total number of points.
  7. You can provide feedback to the Learner using input Attach comment.
  8. In the toolbar click save Save.

How to avoid the manual evaluation of the tests

To make the test evaluated without your work:

  • Check the test settings and make sure, the Evaluation mode is set to Automatic.
  • Remove any questions that cannot be automatically evaluated.

Deleting test results

Deleting of test result will grant another attempt!

Steps to delete the test result:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click insert_chart Reports.
  3. Click Test results.
  4. Find the result and click delete icon delete in the row.
  5. Click OK.
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