Edjet LMS Cloud

Connect Active Directory (AD)

Superadministrator info

The Active Directory connector synchronize user accounts between your corporate directory service and the Edjet LMS using LDAP protocol.

Supported AD editions:

  • your own on-premises Active Directory (available via network or internet to LMS to connect)

Cloud-based AZURE AD is not supported, as LDAP doesn't work in the cloud.

Synchronization method

When AD sync is triggered, the data are gathered and synchronized from Active Directory server into Edjet LMS database. Communication with the AD server is always in read-only mode.

Any changes made to user accounts on the LMS side will not be propagated to the AD server and will be overwritten on next synchronization.

Logging user in

When user try to sign in to the Edjet LMS, the application will try to authenticate user against configured AD server. There is nothing visible for the end-user when AD authentication is active.

For logging user in the "userPrincipalName" (preferred) or "SAMAccountName" property is used.

If the AD server is not accessible, or the response is invalid, sign in process will fail.

Operations with user accounts

Create user

A new user is created automatically if not already in the Edjet LMS database.

Action is triggered when:

  • user successfully logs on using any Edjet LMS Login page
  • and when the automatic sync is launched (via CRON/task scheduler or manually from command line)

Update user

User is updated automatically if the user is in both AD and Edjet LMS database.

Match is found by the "login" (username) property, which is unique.

Action is triggered when:

  • user successfully logs on using any Edjet LMS Login page
  • and when the automatic sync is launched (via CRON/task scheduler or manually from command line)

Delete user

A user is deleted automatically from the Edjet LMS database if the user is no longer available (depending on the sync settings), with the exception of "Superadmin" account, which cannot be deleted.

Action is triggered when:

  • the automatic sync is launched (via CRON/task scheduler or manually from command line)

To keep the Edjet LMS database clean of old accounts, the AD server has to be properly set up to propagate all AD server settings changes into Edjet LMS database.

Supported user types and roles

Edjet LMS support both user types (admin, user) to sync.

Also, all roles are supported (Learner, Admin, Instructor), with exception for Superadmin role, that cannot be synchronized for security reasons.

Setup the AD connector

All the setting and options of the AD connector can be managed in the admin panel.

To setup AD authentication and synchronization:

  1. Sign in to Edjet LMS admin.
  2. In the menu click settings Settings and then click settings_applications System
  3. Click tab Active Directory.
  4. Change option ldap_auth to Yes.
  5. Enter AD settings and credentials.
    See settings and options below.
  6. In the toolbar click save Save.

Settings and options

Setting Options and description

Enable or disable AD for authentication and sync.

  • 0 = No (disabled) - default
  • 1 = Yes (both auth and sync enabled) - the "Sign Up" and "Lost Password" links are hidden from login page UI.
  • 2 = Auth (only auth enabled) – not implemented
  • 3 = Sync (only sync enabled) – not implemented

Data type: integer


Active Directory Base DN (Distinguished Name). If more than one, separate with colons.

Example: dc=example,dc=com

Data type: string


Domain controller(s). If more than one, separate with semicolons.

Example: corp.example.com;dc.example.com

Data type: string


Port on which the AD server listens.

Default: 389

Data type: integer


Secure the connection between the project and the AD server using SSL. If you enable this option, you should set the port number as well.

Default: false

Data type: boolean


Secure the connection between the project and the AD server using TLS. If you enable this option, you should set the port number as well.

Default: false

Data type: boolean


Username of an AD account with at least read permissions for the users and groups in the AD.

Example: Administrator

Default: empty

Data type: string


Password of an AD account (as entered in "ldap_username"). Do not leave empty.

Default: empty

Data type: string


Account prefix will be prepended to all usernames in the AD authentication process.

Example: NETBIOSDomain\

Default: empty

Data type: string


Account suffix will be appended to all usernames in the AD authentication process.

Example: @corp.example.com

Default: empty

Data type: string


List of AD groups which correspond to Edjet LMS user roles.

When a user is created for the first time, his role will correspond to what is specified here. A user will be created based on the first match, from left to right, so put the more powerful groups first (f.e. Admin role).

If the Edjet LMS Role is not found, the Role ID=3 (learner) is used.

Role ID=1 (superadmin) cannot be set for security reasons.

Active Directory roles are case-sensitive.

Separate multiple roles by semicolon.

Format: <AdGroup>=<EdjetLMSRoleId>

Example: Administrators=21;Instructors=4

Default: Administrators=21;Instructors=4;Students=3

Data type: string


Users are authorized and synced only when they are members of a specific AD groups(s).

Leave empty if you wish to get all users from AD (no matter what group are they in).

Separate multiple groups by semicolon.

Active Directory groups are case-sensitive.

Example: Sales;Office;Admins

Default: Administrators;Instructors;Students

Data type: string


Useful for field that are not present in AD. However, if these fields are in AD, it will be overwritten by this value.

Format: <EdjetLMSField>=<value>

Separate multiple fields by semicolon.

Example: lang=cs-CZ

Default: empty

Data type: string


List of Edjet LMS fields (database columns) of the user account to be overwritten by data from AD on sync.

The settings also maps the corresponding LMS fields to AD fields.

Format: <EdjetLMSField>=<AdField>

Separate multiple fields by semicolon.

Login must be unique in Edjet LMS system, so choose corresponding unique AD field.

Example: login=userprincipalname;email=mail;surname=sn;name=givenname

Default: login=userprincipalname;email=mail;prefix=personaltitle;surname=sn;name=givenname;company=company;job_title=title;street=streetaddress;city=city;zip=postalcode;region=state;state=country;tel1=mobile;tel2=telephonenumber;tel3=facsimiletelephonenumber;content=description

Data type: string

Periodic synchronization

It is recommended to trigger the sync of all user accounts via CLI using your job scheduler.


php /var/www/html/components/ldap_sync.php cli

You can add this task to the daily period using CRON tab (Linux) or Task Scheduler (Windows Server).

To debug the script, pass the "errout" parameter as well to see the error output:

php /var/www/html/components/ldap_sync.php cli errout

HTTP mode

Instead of CLI, you can also use the HTTP mode.

It generates HTTP request to the domain name specified as a parameter, eg. "localhost" or "corp.example.com".

php /var/www/html/components/ldap_sync.php corp.example.com

To debug the script, pass the "errout" parameter as well to see the error output:

php /var/www/html/components/ldap_sync.php corp.example.com errout

Troubleshooting AD connection

Problem: Users are synced from AD directory to LMS, but cannot log in

Chech the domain in the "ldap_username" and try to move it to the "ldap_acc_suffix". Also make sure, the "ldap_acc_suffix" begins with "@" character.

Connect external services