Edjet LMS Server

Setup HTTPS connection

To setup or change domain (hostname) and configure HTTPS:

System was originally installed to "http://www.project.com" and it was also a production domain where application was accessed.

The goal

Reconfigure Edjet LMS to to support HTTPS protocol, so the application should be available on "https://www.project.com" in production.

Note: Application files will physically remain in the same location.


We assume the application to be properly configured on original server with IP / address entered during the installation process.

That is needed because you will have to access the Setup section via Administration in order to finish this tutorial (otherwise you will be incorrectly redirected by system and you will not be able to access the Setup section and modify the data in database).

You need have properly generated and installed SSL certificate on you web server.

If you are not able to match the prerequisites, please see the solution in Troubleshooting section below.

How to setup HTTPS

Follow theese steps:

  1. Log into Administration as an superadmin and navigate to Setup > Websites
  2. There should be one record with server name www.project.com.
  3. On tab Basic properties please change ALL values http://www.project.com to your new domain with SSL support (https://www.project.com)
    Note: Please be careful on slashes. The mistake can cause the system to malfunction.
  4. When done click Save.
  5. Locate file /config/cfg.ini.php and open it for editing
    Note: please make sure to keep the encoding of the file at UTF-8 when rewriting the file!
  6. Look for key "core_domain" - change value http://www.project.com to your new production domain https://www.project.com
    Note: Please be careful on slashes again.
  7. Save the file.
  8. Now we can redirect all queries from "http://..." to "https://..." to avoid the instance of system to be accessible on old and new address (which is not wanted as system can be configured to be correctly working only on one address (URL) at the same time); this is important namely when the system was already running on the "http://..." address.
    Please modify <approot>/.htaccess file, as shown below:
    • locate second line with #WWW comment a change "http://..." to "https://..."
    • after that line, add following lines (and replace project.com with your domain name):
      #redirect all queries to https
      RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
      RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.project.com/$1 [R=301,QSA,L]
  9. Save the .htaccess file
  10. Reconfigure also to your CRON or whatever you use to running Launcher


If you are not able to access the Admin section, use any available postgreSQL tool (PgAdminIII for example) to access the database directly. Locate table "settings", look for columns "domain", "repository", "domain_admin", "domain_io", "domain_noHttp" - change ALL values to your new production domain.

Note: Please be careful on slashes. The mistake can cause the system to malfunction.
