Edjet LMS Server 6.3

Manage page SEO settings

Optimize your page SEO settings to improve your site visibility in search engines such as Google.

This include:

  • entering a link to create a page URL
  • adding page meta tags such as the page title and description

Update page link and add or edit page meta data

To add or edit meta data of your page:

  1. Make sure you are logged in to the Edjet LMS admin as administrator.
  2. Click Learner portal in the main menu, then Pages.
  3. Find the page and click on it.
  4. Check a Link you're entered as you created a page.
    Find out more about page link and address URL.
  5. Click Metadata tab.
  6. Enter your page Title as it is meant to appear on search engines results pages.
    Note: If you leave the page title empty, the page name is used.
  7. Enter a page Description: Describe your page's content to draw users into clicking on it from search results.
  8. You can also change other advanced metadata:
    • Keywords
    • Alternative H1
    • Robots
    • Author
  9. Click Save in the toolbar.

Please note: Any changes done on your website can take up to several days to apply to search engines result pages, depending on search engine crawling conditions of your website.
