Edjet LMS Server 6.3

Publish forum to your learners

A forum can be publish on its own, or as a part of the course.

Publish a standalone forum

Manage who can view your forum and post a comments to it:

  1. From Settings menu, click Forum.
  2. Find the forum in listing and select it using checkbox.
  3. Click Permissions in the toolbar.
  4. To add user groups, click Add in the User groups section.
  5. To add learners, click Add in the Users section.
  6. Use checkbox to select one or more groups or learners and then click Load items.
  7. You can add both groups and individual learners at the same time.
  8. Click Save and close in the toolbar.

Tip: You can also access Permissions settings from the Forum page.

Publish forum with a course

If the forum is attached to the course, it will be published together with the course.

In this case, you don't have to manage the forum's permissions at all – permissions of the forum are inherited from the course permissions.
