Edjet LMS Server 6.3

Manage certificate templates

Certificate templates are used to control properties of issued certificates.

Create new certificate template

  1. From Settings menu, click Certificate templates.
  2. Click New item in the toolbar.
  3. Enter the Name of the template.
  4. To set or change validity of the issued certificates click tab General and use input Validity
    • For indefinite period – keep the input empty
    • For a fixed period – enter the number of months
  5. To create or change certificate design, click tab Design:
    • Click Layout image lookup icon and pick an image from media library folder that should be used as background image.
    • Create the content of the certificate using visual editor using Content.
      Important: You can use variables in your design – see below.
  6. You can set the reminder on certificate expiration by clicking on the bell icon.
  7. Click Save in the toolbar to create the template.

To use the template with your course, navigate to your course and set it using course settings.



You can use following keys to insert variables into your certificate:

Key Variable description
%%_CERT_NAME_%% Name of the certificate taken from course name
%%_CERT_UID_%% Certificate Unique ID
%%_CERT_USER_%% Full name of certified user
%%_CERT_USER_DEGREE_%% Degree of certified user
%%_CERT_USER_FIRSTNAME_%% First name of certified user
%%_CERT_USER_MIDDLENAME_%% Middle name of certified user
%%_CERT_USER_LASTNAME_%% Last name of certified user
%%_CERT_USER_EMAIL_%% Email of the certified user
%%_CERT_USER_JOBTITLE_%% Title of the job of certified user
%%_CERT_USER_CODE_%% Code of certified user
%%_CERT_VALID_FROM_%% Date and time the certificate is valid from
%%_CERT_VALID_TO_%% Date and time the certificate is valid to
%%_CERT_LOGO_%% Render a logo
%%_CERT_COURSEID_%% ID of the certified course
%%_CERT_DATECREATED_%% Date and time of certificate issuing
%%_CERT_OWNER_%% Owner of the issued certificate

Share certificate template

To share certificate template with other users:

  1. From Settings menu, click Certificate templates.
  2. Find and select the certificate templates using checkbox.
  3. Click Permissions in the toolbar.
  4. Give permissions to users as required.
  5. Click Save and close in the toolbar.

Tip: You can also change the permissions from the certificate template edit page.
